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Measuring for Curtains

In general, it is best for us to work from the measurements of the area which the curtains will cover.

In determining the length, if the curtain will be mounted such that when it falls it hits the sill, it should stop at the sill. If the hardware projects such that the curtains do not hit the sill, the length is a more subjective matter. Some decorating books from the time state that the curtains should continue until it reaches the bottom of the apron, while other suggest they extend just an inch or two below the sill. The best advice is to stand back and observe the lines and proportions in the room and consider how the furniture arrangement may affect the practical use of the curtains. In formal Arts & Crafts rooms and sometimes in bedrooms floor length curtains can be appropriate.

For inside mounted curtains state the width inside the window frame (A). If you will be getting rods from us tell us the total inside height (B) and we will allow for the hardware and finish the curtains so they stop just above the sill. If you wish for the curtains to only cover a portion of the height, state this measurement.

For the width measurement for outside mounted curtains, state the overall width of the area to cover. If ordering our hardware, determine where the outer edges of the brackets will be placed (C). For the length, give the measurement from the top of the rod (or where you expect it to be) to your desired length (D). If the exact length is critical, request the rods to be shipped first, install them and then confirm the precise measurement. If you have rings state the measurement from where the top of the curtain will be to the desired length.

In addition, you may wish to state measurements regarding the placement of the design, hem sizes, or other details. Otherwise we will work in proportion to the size of the design and curtain. It is also helpful to send us a snapshot and/or sketch of the arrangement of the windows within the room.

State all measurements in inches (and fractions) and add any explainations on how your measurements were made.



Typical ways of stating measurements:

for inside mounted curtains:
A. total inside width
B. total inside length/top of rod to sill/other

for outside mounted curtains
C. outer edges of brackets/other, explain
D. top of rod to finished length/other

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