Arts and Crafts Textiles
published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
We are pleased to announce the release of American Arts and Crafts Textiles, a book co-authored by Dianne Ayres, Timothy Hansen, Beth Ann McPherson and Tommy McPherson. The book was three years in the making and we are very happy with it.
200 photographs, 150 in full color
248 Pages
$60.00, book rate postage free!
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copy signed by Tim and/or Dianne
when ordering.
Chapter titles:
1 Inspiration and Evolution: The Development of American Arts & Crafts Textiles
2 Art and Utility: Design Principles of the Arts and Crafts Movement
3 Coast to Coast: Dissemination of Ideas
4 The House Beautiful: Textiles in the Arts and Crafts Home
5 With Needle and Thread: The Craft and Construction of Arts and Crafts Textiles
6 The Art and Ethic of Dress: Arts and Crafts Clothing
7 Stitches in Time: The Care of Antique Textiles
Bibliography - 165 sources
Textiles embody the diversity, simplicity, and somtimes complexity of the Arts and Crafts Movement more clearly than any other material or medium. This lavishly illustrated volume will delight the eye and become the standard reference on these treasures from our past. The striking designs and the interiors in which they are pictured will provide inspiration for decorators, designers, collectors, and needlecrafters alike.
Dianne Ayres is a textile designer and founder of Arts & Crafts Period Textiles. She and her husband, Timothy Hansen, write and lecture widely on Arts and Crafts textiles and design. Tommy Arthur McPherson II is Director of the organization that administers Gustav Stickley's Morris Plains, NJ, home, Craftsman Farms, as a National Historic Landmark. Beth Ann McPherson is Curator for interpretation at Craftsman Farms.
To order:
$60.00 each plus sales tax in California, free book rate mailing
by mail from: Arts & Crafts Period Textiles, 5427 Telegraph Ave #W2, Oakland CA 94609
call 510-654-1645
fax 510-654-1256
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& Crafts Period Textiles the workshop of Dianne Ayres
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